CPL hands

CPL hands 150 150 Instytut Adamowicz


A Calibrated Pulsed Light with a selective photothermolysis capability.

How does it work?

The light emitted from the head is accumulated in chromophores, in case of discolouration it is melanin. As a result of the treatment, the discoloured skin exfoliates.

The treatment is dedicated to the elimination of “epidermal” type discolouration.

The key to solving the problem of discolouration is an appropriate diagnosis – determination of the cause of their appearance. The development of transpersonal hyperpigmentation therapy allows patients to enjoy a uniform skin tone.

As a result of the treatment, the elasticity of the hand skin is also significantly improved.

The procedure is considered to be quite comfortable, the patient may feel a gentle stinging.

Duration of the procedure: 30 minutes.

We recommend 3 to 4 treatments every 3-4 weeks.


  • solar discolouration
  • old discolourations
  • lentils
  • skin laxity


  • exposure of the skin to the sun 3 weeks before and after the treatment
  • use of self-tanning agents during therapy
  • retinoid therapy (laser treatment is possible after 6 months from the end of retinoid treatment)
  • steroid therapies
  • cancer
  • epilepsy
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period
  • photosensitive medicines, e.g. antibiotics, antidepressants, aspirin, ibuprofen
  • photosensitive herbs, e.g. St. John’s wort, marigold, senna, buckthor

Price: 299 pln

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