Vacu Oxygen head

Vacu Oxygen head 150 150 Instytut Adamowicz

What is ‘Vacu Oxygen’ technology?

Vacu Oxygen is an absolutely innovative, patented technology that enables effective therapy of a number of scalp problems. Thanks to it, the therapist reaches the deep layers of the scalp, regulating the processes taking place within the hair follicles. The treatment is multi-directional and consists of 4 stages, ultrasonic cleansing of the scalp, biostimulating laser, oxytherapy and micropuncture.

How does it work?

Ultrasonic cleansing of the scalp is the first stage, preparing the scalp for the treatment. Accumulated impurities, sebum deposits and keratinised epidermis are removed. Biostimulation laser is a 630 nm diode laser, which stimulates the reproductive layer of hair pads and stimulates the papilla – hair nourishing channel, also increases the permeability of cell membranes, stimulates cell mitochondria, general and lymphatic circulation, and activates lymphocytes in the treatment area.

Oxytherapy is an effective introduction of active substances into the skin without disturbing its continuity. Thanks to short electrical impulses, ion channels are created in the skin, through which we introduce an ampoule with the active substance. The whole process is complemented by the emission of oxygen, which has a soothing function and accelerates the cellular turnover of the skin. After the treatment we get oxygenation, nourishment of skin and hair and acceleration of regeneration and hair growth processes.

The most advanced technology in this treatment is microneedle radio frequency with vacuum. It is a simultaneous combination of mechanical micropuncture, diathermy and vacuum. This technology is based on the formation of microchannels in the epidermis and dermis and stimulation of surrounding healthy cells to increased regeneration, which in turn results in global revitalisation, i.e.: oxygenation, nourishment and stimulation of hair follicles. Such a process triggers a controlled inflammation in the tissue, the production of growth factors, which are the best “fuel” for hair follicle stem cells. By stimulating these factors we achieve the growth of new hair.

The treatment is very comfortable.

To achieve maximum results it is recommended to carry out a series of 4-8 treatments every 2 – 3 weeks.


  • poor scalp circulation
  • hair loss
  • dry scalp
  • androgenic alopecia


  • tumours
  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • metal parts in the body
  • pacemaker, defibrillator
  • interrupted skin continuity
  • scarring alopecia

In order to increase the effectiveness of the therapy we combine Vacu Oxygen with Intraject treatment.

Depending on the type of hair loss and its initial condition, we decide on combined treatments for baldness treatment.

Price: 590 pln/1 treatment

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