T.S.T https://instytutadamowicz.pl/wp-content/themes/corpus/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Instytut Adamowicz Instytut Adamowicz https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/51588449604e42d28d7f07213c9a73ab?s=96&d=mm&r=gTRANSPERSONAL SKIN THERAPY (T.S.T.) IS ANNA ADAMOWICZ’S ORIGINAL ANTI-AGING PROGRAMME BASED ON THE MOST EFFECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES COMPOSED INTO INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMMES. YOU WILL TURN BACK THE TIME UP TO 10 YEARS WHILE KEEPING YOUR NATURAL LOOK.
“The working method I developed is based on a very individual approach. No treatment is standard, each is a part of a plan based on a detailed interview. At T.S.T. I combine sophisticated technologies – monopolar radio waves, microneedle radio frequency, microneedle radioelectroportion, lasers, light – which naturally stimulate skin regeneration, with knowledge about the functioning of the body and other effective techniques that have been safely used in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine for years.
Most often the programme includes a series of 4-6 treatments at intervals of 2-3 weeks. Afterwards, it is usually enough to have treatments once every 3 months – once a year, plus systematic, customised home care, e.g. my own microneedle mesotherapy method.
Such a “game plan” guarantees maintaining the condition of the skin which is 10 years younger than the metric age. Skin should be healthy, look nice and natural – that’s our goal!
sz cel!”
If you want, you can!
Ania Adamowicz ❤
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